Download Steam Workshop Mods Without Steam I've left the Portal 2 tag out because I assume all Steam workshop pages work in the same way, and answers will apply to other games as well.

The API Steam downloader (and similar web pages and tools) uses is a web-based API - it never had anything to do with the game itself. This is nothing to do with Steam Downloader and the API, and everything to do with the publisher of the game not enabling those who don't own the game on Steam to download workshop mods. How do I actually download the maps I've subscribed to? I hope it doesn't involve going into the actual Portal 2 game, as it's a bit of an inconvenience to have to start it up just to download the maps.

I've clicked the Subscribe button and the subscriptions have been added successfully, but nothing else happens - no downloads begin, no download buttons appear. I've gone into an author's or collection's page, where I can subscribe to an item. Download Steam Workshop Mods Without Steam.Now that the Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative is out, I've been looking at some of the available maps, but I'm not sure how to actually download them.