The game is good and simple if you know how to play it. Pokemon games are love for some people and We also have played Pokemon Omega Ruby Game. So How To Start A New Game In Omega Ruby easily without any problem.

So unless players are okay with losing all of their precious Pokemon and game progress, make sure not to delete the save date from this menu.So, you love playing Pokemon games, Gaming is a trend and everyone loves playing Pokemon games but there are issues people face while playing the Game Called Pokemon Omega Ruby.

Players can experience the story from scratch, but all of their previous save data will be gone. Now, all they have to do is delete the save data, and then they'll be able to restart their game. By pressing on the Data Management option, and then the Save Data section, players will find the save data for Sword and Shield. To restart the save file, Switch owners will need to go into the system settings of the Switch menu. RELATED: 10 Pokémon Evolutions That Don't Make Sense Previous Pokemon titles would typically have a set of buttons to press on the main menu to delete the file, but that's because they were on handheld systems, such as the DS, that didn't store save data on the device itself -it was all in the game cartridge. To have a new file in Pokemon Sword and Shield, players will need to erase their saved file to be able to restart the adventure from the beginning.

Being able to pick a new starter Pokemon and have a new team of critters for your second journey through the Galar region can be a great option for a fresh playthrough. Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield allow trainers to explore an entirely brand-new region with new monsters to catch, and experiencing the game from the beginning after beating it can prove to be exciting for some people. Like every mainline Pokemon game, once players catch all of the Pocket Monsters, beat all of the gym leaders, and complete the end-game challenges, there comes a point when there's just not much to do in the game anymore.